Time Under Tension's AI Solution for Summon: Smart FAQs

Time Under Tension has developed a helpful AI tool for Summon, the popular car-selling concierge service: Summon Smart FAQs. Our goal with this solution is to provide users with accurate and relevant answers to any questions they may have about Summon's services.

As potential customers explore the private car-selling process through Summon, they may encounter various questions. Our Summon Smart FAQs aim to make information easily accessible, simplifying the user experience and reducing the need to browse the website.

Smart FAQs

To create the Summon Smart FAQs, Time Under Tension has utilised several key technologies. We've incorporated the OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002 model to generate vectors, the Pinecone vector database for efficient storage and retrieval, and the OpenAI ChatGPT for natural language processing and generative text capabilities.

With Time Under Tension's Summon Smart FAQs, users can find answers to their questions while learning about the car-selling process with Summon. Our AI-powered assistant is ready to help, so just ask!


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