AdNews article: 10 of the best AI platforms for marketers today

This week AdNews published an opinion piece from Time Under Tension, highlighting the best generative AI platforms for marketing professionals.

At the recent In-house Agency Council Summit in the Hunter Valley, the spotlight of our keynote presentation was on the expanding horizons of generative AI tools in the marketing and creative sectors. Our presentation aimed to shift the focus from popular platforms like ChatGPT and Midjourney to the vast array of other AI platforms available.

A key highlight is the adaptability of these AI tools, emphasising their potential to be integrated into custom workflows. For instance, Large Language Models, such as GPT, can distill extensive documents into concise summaries, a feature exemplified by tools like Claude via

On the creative front, platforms like Addition's CannesGPT are revolutionising idea generation by producing campaign concepts inspired by award-winning Cannes Lions campaigns. Moreover, the realm of AI-generated content is broadening, with tools like offering tailored content creation, and Human Generator crafting lifelike human images.

The presentation concluded with an inspiring analogy, likening generative AI to LEGO blocks. Just as these blocks can be assembled in countless ways, generative AI offers limitless possibilities, inviting marketers to harness their imagination and innovate.

You can read the full article in AdNews here.


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