AFR article featuring Time Under Tension - ‘Miraculous’ generative AI slowly emerging in our offices

We were recently interviewed by the AFR for this article in collaboration with Adobe, about how generative AI is influencing the Future of Digital Work.

As the article describes, in the post-COVID landscape, Australia's work culture is undergoing a transformation. Traditional office norms are being replaced by hybrid models, heavily influenced by digital tools that enhance collaboration and efficiency.

Central to this evolution is generative AI, which has huge potential to impact on workplace creativity, efficiency, and flexibility. Chandra Sinnathamby from Adobe emphasises its core role, noting that it boosts focus on high-value tasks, attracting top talent.

Adobe’s recent Future of Digital Work Australia survey reveals that Australia’s business leaders are losing up to two to four hours a day in “low value” tasks due to a lack of automation and digital tools that enable productivity.

The AFR kindly introduce us with “Time Under Tension is at the coalface of this change, and is seeing the take-up of generative AI play out in real time.” and goes on to quote from my interview;

“There’s a lot of excitement. People continue to see the potential and are leaning into it and doing experimentation,” says O’Neill.

“Automation is not normally the first step; it’s usually providing an assistant to someone doing a task.”

Read the full article on the AFR site:


Naked Ambition Podcast interview


Keynote at IHAC Summit