Dazed & Diffused Melbourne - design edition

Last week we hosted another epic Dazed & Diffused in Melbourne. A meetup for people working in and interested by generative AI, the event was the 9th we have hosted (with Yash from Empress Capital) in the past 14 months.

Another sell out, the event had a design theme in keeping with our partnership with Design Outlook, and the demos didn't disappoint.

We had three fantastic gen AI demos, from Robert Marolda of SpatialGPT, Jonathon Birrell of Leonardo.ai and Brad Searle from our Time Under Tension team.

A big thanks to Yash Varma and our sponsors and supporters Design Outlook, InnovateGPT Group, Empress Capital and Time Under Tension.


Design Outlook


Generative AI Immersion Day for Asahi Lifestyle Beverages