Generative AI Immersion Day for Asahi Lifestyle Beverages

In June 2024 we facilitated an AI Immersion Day offsite for the Asahi Lifestyle Beverages marketing team. In partnership with our friends at Lution, the day incorporated inspiration, training and design thinking.

Inform session

The starting point of the day was a one hour presentation to the ALB marketing team about generative AI, and the applicability to consumer marketing. You can learn more about our Inform sessions here.

Hands-on training

Next, the attendees split into teams, and were given an assignment, to come up with a brief, generate ideas, and visualise these ideas, with the help of gen AI tools such as ChatGPT, Adobe Firefly and Google Gemini. Each team then shared their ‘pitch’ for a new product with the whole group.

Design Workshop

The third part of the day was a design workshop, the goal being to unearth a number of use cases for how generative AI could be used at Asahi, to benefit the marketing and creative teams. 

The workshop involves a range of design thinking exercises. We concluded the workshop with a prioritised list of ideas, which will are to be documented in an AI Roadmap. This roadmap will include recommendations for how the use cases can be best realised using off-the-shelf AI tools and bespoke solutions.

A fun day was had by all, and the Carlton Football Club was a fantastic venue.

Are you interesting in running a Generative AI enablement workshop? We’d love to hear from you.


Dazed & Diffused Melbourne - design edition


humAIn Principles workshop